Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obama disscuses faith

During the recent political revolution in Egypt, President Obama has been doing alot of work. But, one thing he has been doing that most people don't know about is praying for the egyptians.  He is also urging many other U.S. employees to strengthen their faith.  Now, i am a liberal and a christian who is strong in faith but i wonder, where does "seperation of church and state" lie in this matter? Hypothectically if we had a president of a different religon, for example muslim, and he prayed to Allah and urged other people to, we would have revolt in the streets and requests for impeachment.  This shows another example of the hypocrisy involved with the citizens and government of America. A democratic government now means a government that the majority agrees with. Americans were even afraid of Obama because he is african-american, or different than the normal ideals for a to-be president.  People who are the most socially acceptable make the best people to canadates and can get votes.  Is it really a free country if we have to buy votes by being cliché?


  1. Seperation of church and state only applies to laws. The fact that the president prays and incourages spirituality is completely acceptable and constitutional. Religion has been incorperated in government since the country was founded and religious references can be found in early documents. The seperation of church and state does not mean complete religious ignorance by the government but that the country promotes religious tolerance. Even if the president was muslim there would be no riots or revolt because we would have elected him and known he was muslim and that would imply we were ok with a muslim president. Spirituality in government is not hypocricy but a continuation of traditions in this country.

  2. I apreciate deeply the time you took to write that pete, but i believe that if someone was different and not like all the others we've had that people would judge them purely on the fact of their uncommon beliefs. People tend to make decisions based on the outside, not what is inside, and if they saw someone who is different than they, it would be difficult to coincide with them. It's a natural human trait to be afraid of change, which why we celebrated change when obama was running, because he conquered the fear of abnormality. I respect your opinion and you're a cute kid.
